Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thing #13 - Delicious and Social Bookmarking

Delicious is AWESOME! I don't know how I did without it for so long. There are so many different opportunities that social bookmarking sites provide for us as educators. I feel like it does serve as a place for me to house all my bookmarks in one place so that they aren't on all different computers. But, using the tag capabilities allows us to categorize our bookmarks and use them to the best of our abilities. At my school, we have folders assigned to different themes, categories, etc. for research and curriculum enhancement. I can see how using Delicious would make this so much easier. We could have accounts set up for our classes or for research projects. It would make things much easier for students and teachers while working on activities or articles. I can't wait to continue working on my Delicious account and adding all of my favorites! Not only can teachers take advantage of these sites but librarians can too. This could allow students to look up books or book reviews. They can find books by authors that they like or themes that they like to read. There are endless possibilities especially when using the tag capabilities.

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