Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing # 7 - Google Tools

I thorougly enjoyed exploring the google tools. The two things that I explored further were the google alerts and the igoogle homepage. I set up some alerts to my email and I will see if they begin to show up. One of my alerts was dealing with health and the other alert was dealing with sports. I really enjoyed igoogle. I was able to explore the fun tools and set up my homepage. There is so much you can add and enjoy. I really enjoyed the Atomic Learning homepage. I am going to show it to our technologist to see if there is any information that can help our teachers. As an education tool, google notebook and google documents can be used. You can actually set up one of these accounts for a class. I am concerned because our school is so strict on internet use that we would have to monitor the use of these tools. Google Scholar is something I will share with our literature teachers. There is a wealth of information out there for them. I have used google advanced before but never realized you could search by file type. I was able to do that and found some great powerpoints that I could use with my classes. There is a wealth of information here to help me as a librarian and our school in technology.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I kinda overdid it with the email alerts! Believe me, they did arrive! I have enjoyed having them, but I did trim some from my list!